Monday, February 29, 2016

Walking with the Giants

Walking with the Giants

The Easter Island also known as the Rapa Nui were thousands of massive stone carved figures instilled with spirit with the ancestors. We know they moved them into scared platforms called as Ahu but we don’t know they moved it. The Moai were carved to represent the islands ancestors. They were made by volcanic tuff or compressed ash. In order to carve this figures, carvers those days used dense stone tools made out of basalt. After they were made it is time to move them to the sacred platform the Ahu.

               There were different kinds of theory on how this Moai were moved. According to some theory, the theory of Thor Heyerdahl the statues were moved by dragging it horizontally.  Another theory from William Mulloy that the Moai moved by putting it in a V inverted wood but it wasn’t enough. But oral traditions that these statues”walked”, a theory from Pavel Pavel and Heyerdahl that it walked by twisting motion. Charles’s love theory that he stood his Moai upright by the use of wooden rollers but it was still not enough. The theory that made it right is from Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo that the Moai moved by swinging it to left to right with three ropes. The structure of the Moai were easily moved by its D shape stand, that every time it was moved it was easily to control to left to right.

           The first theory that I thought that these Moai were moved by Aliens but it was impossible. Science did tell anything that these figures were moved by alien spaceships. In making.Moai figures, people from the Easter island were very patient in making statues, I think they were inspired by for they ancestors as they main role on that island. They were passionate for the spirits of their ancestors.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Baroque Art

 Baroque Art

Baroque Art came from the Portuguese word “Barrocco” which means irregular art works, it continued classism and naturalism. The Baroque Art has its characteristics, dramatic lighting, theatrically, motion, space and concept of time.  The artist those days were able to shows different versions of artwork but in new perspective. Like the artwork of Caravaggio and Gentileschi, the Judith and Holofernes, this showed the brutal way of killing Holofernes. Other artist outside of Italy created an evolution to remake such style to another presentable way. For example is Peter Paul Ruben, that he made his style the chiaroscuro in a darker way. The Late Baroque, which was known for playful and witty themes, examples of artworks from Watteau and Fragonard, the La Sorpriece and La Coquette Fixee,
Sculptures were a part of the Baroque art, as their medium they used marble as their main piece for every sculpture. The Style is more commonly naturalism, realism, classism and illusionism. Their subject matter was the important people, events gods and goddesses. The content for every masterpiece came from biblical and mythological.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Rebirth of Art

" Rebirth of Art"

The Renaissance or either we call it the age of “Rebirth” which came from the Italian word Rinascimento. During the Renaissance almost of the subject matter are Christian art and Biblical stories; for the Form of for every art work are figurative, architecture and paintings; for the Iconography and content it shows a representation of their faith; Style which is common general are figurative, naturalistic, realism and humanism, and the Mediums used are fresco, marble and linseed.

During the Renaissance, the big three artist such as Michelangelo, Raphael Sanzio and Leonardo da Vince were known for a master work of art. Examples: Michelangelo’s the “Pieta”, Raphael Sanzion’s “The School of Athens” and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. They were also artists during their time that made some highlight, one this artist is Maccasio who was the founder of the Renaissance painting, Donatello who made the sculpture of “Saint Mark”

Most sculptures from the Renaissance where used sort kind of position which shows that the sculptures shows relaxation, Contrappostos – counter pose here some images that shoes Contrappostos:


Saint Mark

High Renaissance which the big three: Michelangelo, Raphael Sanzio and Leonardo da Vinci. They masterpieces which shows the real meaning of Renaissance, on their art works shows how Christ dwells within the community, the way He  let us know the way of unity, peace and order. It illustrates from one of Michelangelo’s painting in the Sistine chapel, “The Last Judgement” well it shows hope and fear, when Jesus separates the good from the evil that awakens. Indeed that the Renaissance shows rebirth of the community but it shows rebirth of art.

Last Judgement