Thursday, August 6, 2015

Exesus Media

Exesus Media

On the last blog that I have made recently on July 30, 2015, I gave opinions about new media and old media. What could their momentousness and inimical effects to our society I gave away some of my thoughts and examples. When new media is gaining to old media and in some way old media is stepping up from new media. In this blog, I will give some of my opinions about old media. The main topic is all about and old media and its magnitude for a person’s life. It will emphasize the presence about books and newspapers as a part of old media.

            Yesterday, in a about in the morning, when I about to go to school. In the middle of traffic situation going on San Jose, because of an accident of two vans bumped to each other. I was sitting beside of the jeepney driver and a for about 45 years old man sitting at my right. The passengers of the jeep so focused on their cellular phones. After 40 minutes still waiting, the 45 year old man opened his bag picked up a newspaper. It became an “eye opener” for me. Imagine that most of the passengers are holding their android phones. Then suddenly a man bought out a newspaper. We can see or evaluate the throes between new media and old media. Newspapers are a part of old media; it gives us fair news then news from the internet, why? Newspapers elaborate news, it gives us details about is being address. Reading news is been a habit by Filipinos, it is a useful for everyone. They keep us well informed and they increase our broad-brush knowledge. It is a pioneer of our communication, there will be times when tech communication. Newspaper will be our source of information for what is happening to the society.

                   One day, when it is time to go home from school. My friends went to SM, While we are still in the jeepney. We talk about our book report from our English class. Our professor gave us PDF files to the book entitled “The Little Prince” were we about to read. MY friend gave an opinion about a PDF file and actual reading book. He said that he enjoys reading in books than books in a PDF file, why? In a book it enables us to love reading. In PDF files we will just scroll up and down but there is no turning of pages. Reading actual books encourages us to read books than a book from a pad/tablet. Books are of basic requirement of life, they said that this companion in term of loneliness. Everyone feels the difference between reading an actual book from a PDF file from the internet. It generates our social activity of a person.

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