Thursday, February 11, 2016

Rebirth of Art

" Rebirth of Art"

The Renaissance or either we call it the age of “Rebirth” which came from the Italian word Rinascimento. During the Renaissance almost of the subject matter are Christian art and Biblical stories; for the Form of for every art work are figurative, architecture and paintings; for the Iconography and content it shows a representation of their faith; Style which is common general are figurative, naturalistic, realism and humanism, and the Mediums used are fresco, marble and linseed.

During the Renaissance, the big three artist such as Michelangelo, Raphael Sanzio and Leonardo da Vince were known for a master work of art. Examples: Michelangelo’s the “Pieta”, Raphael Sanzion’s “The School of Athens” and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. They were also artists during their time that made some highlight, one this artist is Maccasio who was the founder of the Renaissance painting, Donatello who made the sculpture of “Saint Mark”

Most sculptures from the Renaissance where used sort kind of position which shows that the sculptures shows relaxation, Contrappostos – counter pose here some images that shoes Contrappostos:


Saint Mark

High Renaissance which the big three: Michelangelo, Raphael Sanzio and Leonardo da Vinci. They masterpieces which shows the real meaning of Renaissance, on their art works shows how Christ dwells within the community, the way He  let us know the way of unity, peace and order. It illustrates from one of Michelangelo’s painting in the Sistine chapel, “The Last Judgement” well it shows hope and fear, when Jesus separates the good from the evil that awakens. Indeed that the Renaissance shows rebirth of the community but it shows rebirth of art.

Last Judgement

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